This morning was a yard work morning. We got up early.....well our new normal of around the boys dressed in "farm clothes", made them breakfast to eat outside, and got to work. What was on our plan for today?
1. Restake the tomatoes. Either we didn't put them deep enough and wind and rain is knocking them down, or there is an animal getting them at night. (We will see tomorrow morning.)
2. Put up a little fence around the garden to keep my chickens out. They seem to love hanging out in the garden.
3. Move the chicken coop to a better, cooler location.
4. Puttering.....this one is for hubby
5. Try to find that pesky ground hog and his hole. Figure out a way to remove him!
6. Begin the process of weeding my overrun garden.
CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK for our to do list. Well, all checked but #5. While we did see him and found his hole, we still haven't agreed on how to remove him....the decision seemed a lot clearer before we learned he was a she and had a little ground hog-let.
Little M in our garden. I think he liked collecting bugs.
There is a lot of weeding to be done. Partly, because this is my first garden in a few years, so I am once again, a newbie. Partly, because I have been too busy to maintain it. Partly, because I did not think it would get as bad as it has. And partly, because I was just too lazy to work on it.
But seeing the vegetables start to sprout, the squash and zucchini ready to be picked each day, the buds on the cukes and bean plants, the tomatoes plumping up, and the peppers growing little fruits.......these visible fruits have been an encouragement that my work is not in vain and a reminder that a harvest is just around the corner.
So, my motivation has returned. I spent most of the morning working on the weeds. I still have a lot more to do. And once I am done with this round, there will be more popping up all the time. So, I guess if I really am going to have a garden, I am going to need to maintain it DAILY.
We have a big toad in our garden. I saw him a couple of days ago. He makes his home under one of our cucumber plants.
While I was weeding, in between the boys needing things and the chickens noising their way into my business, I got to thinking about the weeds that surrounded the plants.
You know, it is not by accident Jesus often used simple parables and illustrations to make His points. I think God designed it that way so we could relate and understand what He was saying. Ordinary day to day occurrences trigger reminders of biblical lessons. As I struggle to pull out the physical weeds that are threatening my harvest, it hit me. What am I doing with these weeds that are threatening my spiritual harvest?
Am I letting them spout up one by one....after all, one little weed isn't that dangerous. Or is it?
Am I waiting to remove them all at one time, when I have a whole pile...maybe one big glorious confessional with God? Was that really His intention when He chose to create this beautiful path of forgiveness and restoration?
What about 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
If forgiveness is so simple, why do I make it so complicated? Why do I let weeds grow and multiply in my life when I have the power to go to Christ daily, hourly, every minute if I chose?
Then there is the maintenance. Perhaps this is what I struggle with the most. The day to day upkeep of my spiritual life is what I so often neglect. And I wonder why weeds have overrun my garden.....
Isn't this just the cutest little dirty child you have seen??? Have I mentioned recently how much fun boys are?
Matthew 13:40-43: "Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the close of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear."
I never want to loose sight of the importance of keeping my life pruned from weeds. Weeds are useless and are only good for burning. I know I am secure in my salvation, but that promise can not be my excuse to allow my spiritual life to entertain weeds.
I can think of three reasons right off the bat. 1. Sin keeps me from fellowshipping with God. It makes my relationship with Him stagnant and I do not grow. 2. If I do not grow, I will not produce fruit. Much like my plants that are still in their toddler stages with their little buds and unripe fruit, I need nourishment and maintenance to grow. 3. I may be secure in my place in God's kingdom, but what kind of example am I giving unbelievers. If they see these weeds that I am allowing to grow, what example is that? I wouldn't seek advice from a gardener whose garden is full of weeds. I would go to a mature gardener who was dedicated to his plants for the best advice.
Big M was nervous that the toad was going to jump out of his hands. I had to include this picture.
So, I guess this morning was beneficial in two ways. One, I was able to accomplish our check list and work on my garden. It is actually kind of relaxing. The weather was beautiful and breezy. Two, I was really reminded about the danger of weeds, both in my garden and in my life.
I cannot expect to have a thriving relationship with God if I am not removing the weeds, root and all, and maintaining my walk with Him. There is no excuse for not walking with Him daily! He is everywhere. How easy is that- we can literally talk to Him anytime, anywhere and have His undivided attention.
Isaiah 55:6 "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near."
Okay, what would be a blog post without mention of my girls, my hens. When I am outside, they run to me like a bunch of puppies.
They saw us working in the garden and ran over from where their coop is.