Saturday, January 16, 2010


Well 2009 has been quite the year. Last year pretty much started in the fall of 2008 when Joshua and I made the decision to move from Maine to Virginia. Matthew and I came down first. Joshua wasn't able to join us until the end of January 09. On December 31, 2008, my father called me with news: "I've been diagnosed with throat cancer." So, 2009 started with a bang...

Joshua arrived down here, and spent a good part of the year adjusting to his new job, school, and living again in the south. We also spent most of the year (and hopefully will continue) working on our marriage. We want to be a couple who not just tolerates each other, but is in love with each other. We want Christ to be at the center.

Matthew and I travelled a lot to NC to be with my parents. While my father was given an optimistic outcome, he had a rough experience. While a healthy person would have been able to take all the treatments, my father was just too sick from Muscular Dystrophy ( a disease he was diagnosed with about 10 years ago). My father passed away in late October. I am very thankful that I was able to see and talk to him the day before he died. I am also thankful that he was able to spend a few days with Matthew before he died.

Because we moved over 900 miles away, and because we travelled a lot, this past year had no structure, or rhythm to it. I have yet to get into the "swing of things". One of my resolutions is to SLOW DOWN, find order, and be with my son. I was really convicted a few weeks ago when I realized that although I was a Stay At Home Mommy, I spent little quality time with Matthew. I usually would drag him from one thing or the other, or I was working (as a house cleaner) too much. So, I have decided to slow down.

I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for me and my family this year!!! I almost feel like it will have to be better than last year.

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