Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Happy Harvest" Pumpkins Craft

After having a sick household for about two weeks now, I decided it was time to have some fun.  I am making Fall cupcakes and the boys and I did an extra special craft during school today. 

We have family all over the fact, our closest relative is 3 hours away.  So, I want us to do more things for grandparents.  Today we decided to make a little treat to mail to some family.

I found this idea on Pinterest and adapted it to fit my own idea.

Yesterday, we went out and gathered a bag full of leaves (in reality, 1/3 bag is more than plenty). 

The instructions said to break the leaves up in a Ziploc bag.  After a few minutes of having minimal luck, we decided to bring up the food processor.  This worked great! 

We crushed the leaves into little pieces and this is what it looked like.  Big M  enjoyed using the food processor too. 
**Note: When boys are involved in the craft, the messier and louder, the better!**

Now came decorating our little foam pumpkins.  I ran a stream of glue around the edges and we sprinkled the leaves over the glue.  After they dried for a minute or two, we knocked off the excess leaves back in the container.  
Big M wanted to make a pumpkin face on the one he was making for Daddy.  

I probably should have added another picture of us doing the craft, but oh well.   Hopefully you get the idea.  The beautiful leaves outline the little pumpkin.

Lil M wanted to show off his creation too.   He was so proud of himself.
Notice it upside down??

**Another note:  Be sure to put the crushed leaves out of reach after you clean up or this will happen.  At least the vacuum cleaner was upstairs today!**

"Give thanks to the Lord; for He is good.  His love endures forever." Psalm 107:1

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When Sick Days Trump Busy Days........

Wednesdays are our busy days.  Typically, I begin my Wednesday the day before.  I prepare my portion of our Wednesday night dinner at church, I plan our lunch, and I set out all the clothing and items we will need for the next day.  
The boys usually get up around 8am and we eat a quick but hearty- oatmeal or an egg casserole- breakfast before we leave the house at 9:15.  We have Home school Co-op on Wednesdays and I help teach a math class.  Co-op usually ends around 1:45 and we either run errands, spend some down time at a park or church, and wait for church activities that evening.  Because we live about 30 minutes from town, we do not come home between co-op and church. 
We eat dinner at church and then have our Wednesday night bible studies. Big M is in "Gopher Buddies" and is very proud of his accomplishments.  After church, we head home and both boys are usually asleep before we make it home. 
Wednesday is our busiest day of the week!
Well, this week there has been some sickness going around our family.  Little M had dealt with it this weekend and has been overcoming it.  It hit Big M hard last night.  
Six times I went into his room between 11-2:30.  His throat really hurt him.  Being in that much pain is not typical for our family.  Sadness for my baby who was in pain, but gratitude to the Lord for allowing me the opportunity to minister to his physical needs were the conflicting emotions I have been feeling. 
So today, we have cancelled everything and this is a sick day.  We are going to watch movies, rest on the couch, read books, and drink hot tea with local honey, and pray that the Lord heals our family without the need of doctors or prescription medication. 
The boys resting while watching movies.
Chicken vegetable soup is on the stove and I am ready to do some cuddling with my babies, catch up on some laundry, and "enjoy" this special time the Lord has given us to just rest.
And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14